New Delhi: President of Bharatiya Janata Party’s (BJP) Delhi unit Virendraa Sachdeva on Thursday questioned Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) chief Arvind Kejriwal over his income sources. He pointed out that Kejriwal’s income jumped by 40% in the year 2020-’21 when the country was facing the coronavirus pandemic.
According to the poll affidavit filed by Kejriwal, his total income shown in the income tax return for 2019-20 is Rs 1,57 823, Rs 44,90,040 in 2020-21, Rs 1,62,976 in 2021-22, Rs 1,67,066 in 2022-23 and Rs 7,21,530 in 2023-24.
‘Unusual growth in income’
Sachdeva said: “Kejriwal claims that his only source of income is his salary as a legislator. In 2020-21, without showing any other source of income, his income increased by 40 times, and in 2023-24, it increased by 6 times. The people of Delhi want an explanation from him regarding this unusual growth in income.”
केजरीवाल केवल विधायक वेतन को अपना आय स्त्रोत बताते हैं और 2020-21 में बिना कोई अन्य आय स्त्रोत दिखाये उनकी आय में 40 गुणा और 2023-24 में 6 गुणा की असमान्य वृद्धि पर दिल्ली की जनता उनसे स्पष्टीकरण चाहती है।
2014-15 से 2019-20 के दूसरे मुख्यमंत्री काल के वर्षों में इनके आयकर…
— BJP Delhi (@BJP4Delhi) January 16, 2025
He pointed out that during his second term as chief minister (from 2014-15 to 2019-20) Kejriwal’s income tax returns show a taxable basic salary of less than Rs 3,60,000 per year as chief minister.
“In 2020-21, Arvind Kejriwal reported his income as Rs 44,90,040, which is almost 40 times higher than his income of Rs 1,57,823 in the previous year, 2019-20,” he highlighted.
“It is quite surprising that during the Covid period in 2020-21, when people’s incomes around the world went down, and even property registrations were stopped, Arvind Kejriwal’s income increased by 40 times. How did this happen in such a challenging year?” he questioned. The Delhi assembly polls will be carried out in a single phase on February 5 and the vote counting will take place on February 8.
The Enforcement Directorate arrested Kejriwal and his deputy Manish Sisodia in the case of alleged corruption in framing the excise policy, which was later scrapped. Both were released on bail after spending months behind bars.