Mumbai: As per the latest reports, Shive Sena chief Ekanth Shinde has finally agreed to take oath at Deputy CM of Maharashtra today in the swearing-in ceremony scheduled to be held at Azad Maidan. If the same reports are to be believed, Shinde’s Sena is all set to get PWD ministry. Apart from Shinde, NCP chief Ajit Pawar is also all set to take oath as the another Deputy CM of the state.
Shinde reportedly agreed to be a part of the Fadnavis-led state government after a series of meetings with his party MLA as his official residence in Mumbai. The MLAs wanted Shinde to be part of the government.
Fadnavis-Shinde meeting on Wednesday
Devendra Fadnavis reached Shinde’s residence around 7pm on Wednesday and conveyed him about BJP’s decision of not giving him Home ministry. Shinde reportedly agreed for the Deputy CM post and PWD ministry. During the 40-minute-long meeting between both the leaders, several details about the government formations were also discussed, thus ending over two weeks of hectic negotiations and paving way for government formation in the state.
Fadnavis, 54, emerged as the frontrunner for the coveted post following the BJP’s strong showing in the recent assembly elections, securing 132 seats in the 288-member house.
Special security arrangements for swearing-in ceremony today
As per reports, about 40,000 BJP supporters and 2,000 VVIPs, including leaders from various religions are all set to take part in the oath taking ceremony. As part of the security arrangements for the event, over 4,000 police personnel, including 520 officers have been deployed at the venue.
Apart from regular policemen, a platoon of the State Reserve Police Force (SRPF), and Quick Response Team (QRT), Riots Control Team, Delta, Combat teams and the Bomb Detection and Disposal Squad have also been deployed on roads leading to Azad Maidan.