New Delhi: Security forces on Tuesday gunned down at least 16 Maoists near the interstate border of Odisha and Chhattisgarh. This is a big achievement for the personnel as among the dead was Jairam alias Chalpati, a central committee member of Maoist, carrying a bounty of Rs 1 crore.
A resident of Andhra Pradesh’s Chittoor, Chalpati was a senior member of the central committee of the Maoists. Central committee is considered the highest decision-making body within the group. The 60-year-old was active in the restive Bastar district of Chhattisgarh. According to reports, he had to leave the Abujhmad area due to increased activities of the security personnel. He then relocated near Odisha border.
Security details of Chalpati
Chalpati, always surrounded by 8-10 bodyguards, was a key strategist for the Maoists. A bounty of Rs 1 crore was put on his head.
“This is one of the biggest encounters in the country as a central committee member of the banned Maoist organization, Jairam alias Chalpati, has been killed. Usually central committee members either die a natural death or rarely get arrested. Killing a CC member in an encounter is a big achievement,” a TOI report quoted Gariaband SP Nikhil Rakhecha as saying.
‘Mighty blow to the Maoists’
The encounter, near the border areas of Nuapada and Gariabandh, was carried out by a joint team of Odisha Police’s Special Operation Group along with E-30 force of Chhattisgarh Police and the CRPF. The security forces also recovered large cache of arms, ammunition from the area. The operation which began late Monday, continued into Tuesday.
Union home minister Amit Shah called the encounter a “mighty blow to the Maoists” adding that the group is breathing its last today.