New Delhi: In a shocking incident that has come to light from Uttar Pradesh’s Meerut, a 17-year-old boy took his own life after his mother and elder brother sold off his Royal Enfield Bullet. They did so to prevent him from roaming around with his friends on the bike. When the boy came to know about it, he got enraged and shot himself dead.
The Class 9 student had Googled ‘What happens to a person after death?’ before he took the extreme step, according to the police. The tragic incident, which occurred on January 11, took place while the boy’s elder brother was away to pick up their mother from Meerut Medical College and Hospital.
The door was bolted from the inside, and they heard a loud noise. The mother and her elder son forced their way inside through the window and found the boy lying in a pool of blood. He was taken to the hospital, where doctors pronounced him dead.
According to the cops, the boy’s mother works as a nurse at Meerut Medical College and his elder brother is doing preparations for competitive exams. Their father passed away last year. The 17-year-old didn’t pay attention to his studies, and his family would often pull him up for riding around on his bike with his friends.
The family decided to sell off his motorcycle, in the hope that it would encourage him to focus on his education. However, he was upset by their decision and died by suicide, the police said.
The family has not lodged any complaint and the cops have recovered a .315 bore country-made pistol. Investigations are on to find out how and from where did the boy get the weapon that he used to take his own life.