India’s former Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh passed away on 26th December. All government programmes scheduled for 27th December have been cancelled. As tributes for Dr Singh pour in,the government has announced a funeral with full state honours for him. Let’s look at what is a state funeral.
A state funeral is granted on the death of a sitting or former President, Prime Minister, Governors. Sitting Cabinet Ministers, Lieutenant governors, Lok Sabha speaker, Chief Justice and Bharat Ratna awardees are also given state honours.
Now the protocol of a state honour includes a gun salute and declaration of national or state mourning. The Tricolour flies at half mast indicating a period of mourning for the country. The deceased’s coffin is draped with the national flag.
The central government also has the authority to order a state funeral for personalities who have made important contribution to the country.
Which other leaders were granted state funeral?
Former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee was bid farewell with full state honours on August 17th 2018. His funeral procession was attended by dignitaries like Prime Minister Narendra Modi, then President Ram Nath Kovind, Amit Shah, Nirmala Sitharaman, Rajnath Singh and others across party lines.
PV Narsimha Rao was also given a funeral with state honours. However, his funeral was mired in controversy. While his family wished for him to be laid in New Delhi, significant Congress leaders including Sonia Gandhi had pushed for Rao ‘s funeral to be held in Hyderabad. The country observed a seven day mourning period after his death.
Indira Gandhi was laid to rest on 1st November 1984 after she was assassinated by two of her security guards. The government had announced a 12 day mourning period.
India’s first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru was cremated as per hindu rituals on May 28th, 1964. The funeral was held at Shantivan on the banks of Yamuna.
Which were Dr Manmohan Singh’s biggest reforms?
Dr Singh will be remembered as one of the country’s biggest reformers. Lets look at his biggest reforms.
He played a pivotal role in transforming the country’s economy and is considered the architect of liberalisation policy in 1991.The new policy deregulated nearly 80% of the industrial sector, reducing the number of industries reserved exclusively for the public sector from 17 to 8. The move encouraged private enterprises and foreign investment, fostering industrial growth and job creation.
As the Prime Minister Dr Singh championed initiatives that targeted India’s rural and underprivileged population. He is often remembered for introducing welfare schemes like the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act popularly known as MGNREGA.
His government also introduced the Right to Information or RTI and Right to Education act.
He introduced the civil nuclear deal between India and US in 2005. The deal brought him recognition for his efforts to integrate India into the global economy. Dr Singh is also remembered for his good natured personality. With his passing India has lost a great visionary.