Patna: Vigilance Department conducted a series of raids on Thursday at the residence of Bettiah district education officer (DEO) Rajnikant Praveen. The raids followed complaints of illegal property acquisition against the DEO.
The vigilance team, which arrived from Patna, began their search early in the morning at Rajnikant Praveen’s rented residence in the Basant Bihar locality under the jurisdiction of the Mufassil police station. The team questioned the DEO for several hours regarding the allegations.
What was recovered during raids?
During the raid, officials recovered a substantial amount of cash, reportedly amounting to crores. A note-counting machine was called for from the local police to assist in tallying the recovered currency. The team also seized various documents and other evidence during the search.
Rajnikant Praveen has served as the district education officer in Bettiah for nearly three years. He lives in a rented house, which became the focal point of the raids. The police provided additional security at the site to ensure the smooth progress of the operation.
Simultaneous raids in other locations
Sources revealed that the vigilance department is conducting simultaneous raids at other locations associated with the DEO. However, details regarding findings from these locations have not been disclosed yet.