New Delhi: In a bizarre yet bold act by former BJP MLA Shyamlal Dwivedi, he ventured into the danger zone to catch a leopard armed with nothing but a mosquito net. The unusual move by the ex-legislator came as the Rewa district in Madhya Pradesh and its neighbouring Uttar Pradesh villages grapple with a man-eating leopard. The animal has attacked five people within 48 hours, creating terror among the people.
A video of the act has gone viral on social media platforms. In the video Dwivedi can be seen leading a group of villagers with a mosquito net, determined to capture the predator. His unorthodox approach has sparked both admiration for his bravery and criticism for what many see as a publicity stunt.
Villagers forced to remain indoors
Dwivedi’s actions came after a commotion broke out in the Janeh police station area of Rewa district when, on December 27, a ferocious leopard attacked a teenager who was in the fields. When others tried to rescue the teenager from the leopard’s grip, the animal attacked them as well, injuring them. After the attack, the animal hid in the bushes near the village. Local residents informed the police about the incident, and a team from the forest department and police arrived at the scene. All the injured were sent to the hospital for treatment.
Due to these attacks the villagers have been forced to remain indoors, abandoning their fields. Forest department has employed drones to locate and catch the elusive animal.
“The administration has failed to address the villagers’ plight. I couldn’t just stand by while my people lived in fear,” said Dwivedi, defending his actions.