Chennai: The Madras High Court has pulled up the Tamil Nadu Prison Department for failing to arrest officials involved in the assault of a lifer, Sivakumar, at Vellore Jail. Despite suspending DIG Rajalakshmi, Additional Superintendent Abdul Rahman, and Jailer Arulkumaran, the court questioned why no arrests have been made.
Sivakumar’s mother had filed a case seeking information on her son’s status, leading to a court-ordered inquiry. The Vellore Chief Magistrate’s report revealed that Sivakumar was beaten and harassed by prison guards after allegations of theft. The report also accused DIG Rajalakshmi of cutting down a teak tree in Vellore Jail to make furniture for her home.
Madras High Court Cracks Whip on Vellore Jail Officials
Judges SM Subramaniam and V Shivagnanam expressed concern over the lack of action against the officials, stating that even a shopkeeper would face prosecution and dismissal for similar misconduct. “Why engage in such illegal activity when the government provides all facilities and a good salary?” they asked.
Meanwhile, Sivakumar has been transferred from Vellore Jail to Salem Jail. The Prison Department has initiated departmental action against the suspended officials, with further action expected against other involved individuals.