New Delhi: The Rashtriya Swamsevak Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) passed a resolution expressing serious concerns about the oppression faced by Hindus in Bangladesh in Bengaluru on Saturday. The resolution was passed during RSS’ annual Akhil Bharatiya Pratinidhi Sabha.
It noted that in recent times there had been several incidents of attacks on temples, and educational institutions, desecration of deities, and looting of properties, among other incidents in the country. The RSS said that it was nothing new that minorities in Bangladesh were harassed by fanatic Islamist elements.
RSS expressed concerns about ‘planned violence’
“The Akhil Bharatiya Pratinidhi Sabha expresses its serious concern on the unabated and planned violence, injustice, and oppression faced by the Hindu and other minority communities at the hands of radical Islamist elements in Bangladesh. This is a serious case of violation of human rights,” the resolution said.
It added, “During the recent regime change in Bangladesh, several incidents of attacks on mutts, temples, Durgapuja pandals and educational institutions, desecration of deities, barbaric killings, looting of properties, abduction and molestation of women and forcible conversions are being continuously reported. To deny the religious angle of these incidents by claiming them to be only political is the negation of truth as scores of victims of such incidents belong to Hindu and other minority communities only.”
Expressing concerns over the decline in the Hindu population, the resolution added, “The governmental and institutional support for the violence and hatred witnessed during last year is a serious cause of concern. Along with this, the persistent anti-Bharat rhetoric in Bangladesh can severely damage the relationship between the two countries.”
“There is a concerted effort on the part of some international forces to foment instability in the entire region surrounding Bharat by creating an atmosphere of distrust and confrontation pitting one country against another. The ABPS calls upon thought leaders and scholars in international relations to keep a vigil on such anti-Bharat atmosphere, activities of Pakistan and Deep State and expose them,” the resolution said further while pointing out that some international forces were trying to encourage instability in the region.