Chennai: Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin made a notable statement, encouraging couples to have more children citing the decreasing number of parliamentary constituencies in the state due to low population growth. Stalin’s statement comes in the backdrop of reports suggest that Union governement planning to realign Lok Sabha constituencies in the country based on population.
At a mass wedding ceremony where 31 couples tied the knot, Stalin referenced an old Tamil adage, “padhinarum petru peru vazhvu vazhga,” which wishes couples 16 forms of wealth, including children. However, he humorously pointed out that with parliamentary constituencies decreasing due to low population growth, the notion of having 16 children may need reevaluation.
The ceremony, organized by the Hindu Religious Charities Department, saw 304 couples get married across the state. Notably, Stalin’s call for more children echoes similar sentiments expressed by Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister N. Chandrababu Naidu.