New Delhi: Amidst the ongoing controversy over the alleged use of animal fat in the famous Tirupati laddus, the Karnataka government has issued an order requiring all 34,000 temples under its management to exclusively use ‘Nandini’ ghee, produced by the Karnataka Milk Federation (KMF), for preparing ‘prasada’ and food offered to devotees. The directive also emphasises that temple staff must ensure the quality of prasada is maintained.
Decision prompted by controversy in Tirupati
The Commissioner of the Hindu Religious Institutions and Charitable Endowments Department (Muzrai) issued a circular outlining this mandate. Muzrai minister Ramalinga Reddy, speaking to the Times of India, explained that the decision was prompted by the recent controversy in Tirupati, even though Karnataka’s temples have been using Nandini ghee for years without issue. “We have not faced any problems similar to those at Tirupati, but we wanted to eliminate any doubt for devotees,” he said.
Reddy further clarified that the state government does not plan to conduct routine testing of temple prasada, as there have been no complaints or concerns raised in Karnataka. However, testing could be considered if any issues arise.
34,000 temples managed by Muzrai department
Karnataka’s temple network is vast, with over 34,000 temples managed by the Muzrai department. Many of these temples, particularly those in the ‘A’ category with an annual income exceeding Rs 25 lakh, have modern kitchens dedicated to preparing prasada, which includes a variety of offerings such as laddu, Mysore pak, and puliyogare. Temples in the ‘B’ and ‘C’ categories also serve prasada, although their income and facilities vary.
The move came after allegations regarding the use of substandard ghee containing animal fat in laddus at Andhra Pradesh’s Tirupati temple, which caused widespread concern among devotees. The allegations sparked political tensions, with Andhra Pradesh’s chief minister N Chandrababu Naidu raising concerns about the quality of ingredients used. The issue has since drawn national attention, with calls for stricter quality control.
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