New Delhi: Number-based riddles are both challenging and enjoyable, requiring logical thinking and creativity to solve. They often appear deceptively simple but can contain hidden complexities that make them tricky. Solving these riddles typically involves recognizing patterns, applying mathematical concepts, or thinking outside the box.
Whether it’s figuring out a clever sequence, finding the missing number, or cracking a puzzle involving sums and differences, these riddles engage the brain in a fun and rewarding way. For many, the satisfaction of finding the correct answer after puzzling over the numbers makes these riddles even more addictive.
Number-related riddles
- Riddle: I am an odd number. Take away one letter, and I become even. What number am I?
- Answer: Seven (remove the “s” and you get “even”).
- Riddle: A man is twice as old as his son. Twenty years ago, the man was three times as old as his son. How old is the man now?
- Answer: The man is 40 years old, and the son is 20.
- Riddle: If two’s company, and three’s a crowd, what do four and five make?
- Answer: Nine.
- Riddle: I add five to nine and get two. The answer is correct, but how?
- Answer: When it’s 9 AM, adding 5 hours gives you 2 PM.
- Riddle: A rooster laid an egg on top of a barn roof. Which way did it roll?
- Answer: Roosters don’t lay eggs!
- Riddle: You have a 3-litre and a 5-litre jug, and you need to measure exactly 4 litres of water. How do you do it?
- Answer: Fill the 5-litre jug and pour it into the 3-litre jug until it’s full. This leaves you with exactly 2 litres in the 5-litre jug. Now, empty the 3-litre jug, pour the 2 litres from the 5-litre jug into the 3-litre jug, then fill the 5-litre jug again. Pour from the 5-litre jug into the 3-litre jug until it is full. This will leave you with exactly 4 litres in the 5-litre jug.
- Riddle: What comes once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a thousand years?
- Answer: The letter “M”