Haridwar: In Uttarakhand’s Haridwar, the police have arrested five teenagers on Tuesday for creating obscene and deadly content to increase their social media followers. The Youtube channel run by this group has earned 528K followers by spreading obscenity and filming dangerous stunts.
On the complaint of locals, Haridwar police reached the Ganga Canal in Roorkee where these teenagers were shooting a video. On the instructions of SSP Pramod Singh Dobhal, the Kaliyar police took strict action to teach a lesson in decorum to five individuals, including two women, by detaining them for uploading life-threatening and obscene content on social media platforms.
#WATCH | हरिद्वार
➡️कुछ कंटेंट क्रिएटर्स, गंगा और रुड़की गंगा नहर पर बना रहे थे अश्लील कंटेंट
➡️ऐसे में पुलिस ने 3 लड़के और 2 लड़कियों पर इस मामले में FIR दर्ज कर ली.#HaridwarPolice #stunt #Trending #Haridwar @haridwarpolice #roorkee #ViralReel #ViralVideo #jantantratv pic.twitter.com/BG2ZPKzmC7
— Jantantra Tv (@JantantraTv) December 18, 2024
Youngsters are crossing all limits to increase followers on social media
In a desire to increase followers on social media, today’s youth are not only performing deadly stunts but also serving obscene content, which is sending a very wrong message to the minors and young people of the society, which is complained about by the local people to the Haridwar Police every day. They are not hesitating to go to any extent to get views and likes on social media. Young men and women were risking their lives by pushing each other in the Ganga canal and making obscene videos by getting semi-nude.
Police have arrested five individuals
Five youths have been caught making obscene and dangerous videos on the banks of Ganga in Haridwar and its surrounding places. For a long time, people were tagging their videos to the Haridwar police and demanding police action against them. Taking action on this, the Kaliyar “Dhanouri” police arrested 05 people including a husband and wife and registered a case and released them after giving them a notice warning them for the future. The accused apologized after realizing their mistake and deleted the obscene and life-threatening content.
Social media accounts will also be deleted
Five individuals have been creating and uploading obscene, dangerous, and life-threatening stunt videos on the banks of the Ganga in Haridwar and its surrounding areas. These videos have been going viral on social media for some time. Most of the videos are filmed around the banks of the Ganga in Haridwar. The Haridwar police have already detained two girls and three boys from this group. The police are also planning to delete their social media accounts.
Significant Social Media following
The group has over 500,000 followers on Instagram and more than 1.5 million subscribers on YouTube. The police have registered a case against them, and their social media accounts are being deleted. Most of their videos feature extremely obscene and dangerous stunts performed on the banks of the Ganga and the canal. For a long time, many people on social media have been tagging their videos to the Haridwar Police, demanding action against them. People have expressed extreme anger over the spread of obscenity on the banks of the Ganga. Now, the Haridwar Police have taken action, arresting the entire group and initiating the deletion of their social media accounts.