Krishnagiri: A volleyball coach has attacked a female student in full public view near Hosur in Tamil Nadu for allegedly stealing her teacher’s watch. CCTV footage of the incident has been released, causing a stir. The disturbing incident unfolded at a district-level volleyball tournament held at the Government Aided Girls Higher Secondary School in Hosur, Krishnagiri district, on the 23rd October after a private school student was accused of stealing a teacher’s watch, leading to a severe scolding and subsequent public assault by the coach.
The teacher, unhappy with the student’s alleged theft actions, continued to rebuke her. The situation escalated when the coach informed the student’s mother and physically assaulted the student in full public view.
CCTV Captures Coach’s Brutal Attack on Student Over Stolen Watch
CCTV footage of the incident has sparked widespread outrage, raising concerns about student safety and teacher-student relationships. Child welfare activists are advocating for guidelines to ensure teachers handle students with empathy and understanding.
The incident has sparked a heated debate about addressing behavioral issues and preventing similar incidents in the future.