Chennai: Tamil Nadu Minister S Raghupathi has launched a scathing attack on actor Vijay’s Tamizhga Vettri Kazhagam (TVK), branding it the “C Team” of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). Raghupathi accused Vijay of refraining from criticizing the BJP to woo AIADMK workers and strengthen the BJP’s presence in the state.
“Vijay chose to speak about the DMK instead of the AIADMK, as discussing the latter would not be beneficial. To attract votes from the AIADMK, Vijay refrained from making comments about the party. Vijay’s objective is to create a division among the supporters of the AIADMK. Similar to the gathering organized by Vijay yesterday, the DMK has previously conducted numerous meetings,” Raghupathi said.
“Vijay has neither an A team nor a B team, but he is part of the C team of the BJP”
The DMK leader criticized Vijay’s recent conference, calling it a “cinema conference” rather than a political gathering. Vijay had declared DMK members corrupt and labeled them his party’s political enemies. The minister defended the DMK’s Dravidian model government, highlighting its achievements under Chief Minister Stalin’s leadership.
The CM breakfast program, initiated by Chief Minister Stalin, has garnered global appreciation, Raghupathi noted. He emphasized that the DMK alliance remains unbreakable due to the people’s affection for Chief Minister Stalin. Raghupathi asserted that Vijay’s goal is to attract AIADMK workers, as he knows the Anna DMK party won’t gain traction in Tamil Nadu.
‘The Dravidian Model of governance cannot be separated from the people. One can only gain traction in Tamil Nadu by opposing the governor,” Raghupathi said.
To gain power, Vijay must first secure a majority in all 234 constituencies, Raghupathi challenged. He confidently stated that no one can break the DMK alliance or discuss corruption without addressing the 2011-2021 AIADMK regime. Raghupathi concluded that the DMK is a mature tree, and any political discourse in Tamil Nadu must involve Periyar, Anna, Karunanidhi, and Stalin.