New Delhi: A 23-year-old man, Himanshu Kumar, accused of terror funding and apprehended by the Madhya Pradesh Anti-Terror Squad (MPATS), died after falling from the third floor of an OYO hotel in Sohna, Gurugram. The incident has sparked a major investigation into the circumstances surrounding his death in police custody.
Kumar, originally from Kishanganj, Bihar, had been a target of MPATS investigations for an extended period. Acting on intelligence reports, a team travelled from Gwalior to Gurugram to apprehend him. The police tracked Kumar to a residential society in Sohna and arrested him.
After the arrest, Kumar was taken to an OYO hotel in Sohna, where the MPATS team planned to hold him for interrogation before presenting him to the local court. However, his life was tragically cut short before he could appear in court.
According to Gurugram Police, Kumar’s death occurred around 1:30 PM. The police report states that Kumar asked to use the bathroom, but instead, went straight to the balcony. He subsequently fell from the third floor, sustaining fatal injuries.
The Gurugram Police account of events claims that Kumar was attempting an escape at the time of the fall. The police in a statement stated that he tried to use a wire that passed by the third-floor balcony to descend from the third floor of the building, but he lost his footing, leading to the fatal fall.
The police explanation for the accident, however, is subject to intense scrutiny given the sensitive nature of the circumstances. The death is currently under investigation and details surrounding the security arrangements at the hotel, the MPATS team’s procedures, and the overall handling of the suspect are all subject to intense scrutiny.