New Delhi: The Supreme Court on Tuesday took note of media reports regarding a controversial speech delivered by Justice Shekhar Kumar Yadav, a sitting judge of the Allahabad High Court, at an event organised by the Vishva Hindu Parishad (VHP) on December 8. The apex court has sought a detailed report from the Allahabad High Court, raising concerns about the judge’s comments and their implications.
In a statement issued on Tuesday, the Supreme Court acknowledged the public discourse generated by Justice Yadav’s remarks. “The Supreme Court has taken note of the newspaper reports of a speech given by Mr Justice Shekhar Kumar Yadav… Details and particulars have been called from the High Court, and the matter is under consideration,” the statement read.
Justice Yadav spoke in favour of UCC
Justice Yadav, addressing the VHP’s legal cell convention in Allahabad, spoke in favour of the proposed Uniform Civil Code (UCC), emphasising its potential to foster “social harmony, gender equality, and secularism”. The judge criticised practices such as triple talaq and halala, while stressing the importance of uniform laws for all communities.
“You can’t claim the right to have four wives, perform halala, or practice triple talaq,” he stated, adding that unequal legal systems were a “danger to the nation”. His remarks, according to critics, appeared to target specific religious communities, drawing sharp reactions from various quarters.
The All India Lawyers Union (AILU) called his actions a breach of judicial ethics, writing to the President and the Chief Justice of India. Their letter described the speech as “a direct affront to secularism and the independence of the judiciary”.
Owaisi announces signing notice seeking Justice Yadav’s removal
The NGO Citizens for Judicial Accountability and Reforms also urged the Chief Justice to initiate an in-house inquiry, accusing Justice Yadav of communal bias and violating the Restatement of Values of Judicial Life, a code of conduct adopted by the Supreme Court for judges.
Asaduddin Owaisi, AIMIM chief and Lok Sabha MP from Hyderabad, announced signing a notice seeking Justice Yadav’s removal. “The judge’s behaviour violates constitutional norms, including the Supreme Court’s ‘Restatement of Values of Judicial Life’,” Owaisi said. He confirmed that the notice was initiated by Srinagar MP Ruhullah Mehdi and requires support from 100 Lok Sabha members to be considered.
Meanwhile, VHP defended Justice Yadav’s participation, asserting that the event was aimed at generating legal awareness on issues like the UCC.