New Delhi: Priyanka Chopra was spotted making another fashion statement in a dress by Tarun Tahiliani when she attended the screening of the movie ‘Paani’. PeeCee’s outfit for the night was making everyone’s head turn at the screening. Priyanka’s outfit took the internet by storm as soon as she posted the pictures from the event to her social media. The actress took a brief trip to Mumbai for the launch of The Max Factor India and the screening of the Marathi movie ‘Paani’ which she produced.
All the looks Priyanka had served during her brief trip to India left fans in total awe and this gown was no different! The actress attended the screening for ‘Paani’ along with her mother Madhu Chopra and brother Siddharth Chopra. Priyanka’s earlier looks on her trip were a grey mini dress by Stella McCartney and a pastel-striped dress by Vivienne Westwood.
Priyanka in Tarun Tahiliani
Priyanka Chopra’s silver gown exuded with opulence. Her silver-white dress was covered in crystals and sequins all over. PeeCee’s outfit hugged her figure gracefully, giving her waist a cinched waist. The long skirt of the gown gave the illusion that the actress was wearing a saree with sparkling embellishments. This fitted sheer gown featured a corset bodice with sari-like folds near the waist. Her corset had a low back. The strap of her outfit went around Priyanka’s neck and draped around her hair bun.
The gown was from designer Tarun Tahiliani’s ‘Otherworldly’ collection. This outfit by Tarun Tahiliani was the perfect blend of regal elegance and contemporary style. It was a true embodiment of how rich India’s craftsmanship is. Priyanka’s looks was dripping with elegance and luxury.
Priyanka’s glam for the night
The actress kept a soft makeup look, letting her outfit take the spotlight. Priyanka’s dewy makeup look featured soft nude-coloured lips and smokey eyes with dramatic lashes to complete her look. Her hair was in a chic, clean updo which allowed people to see the backs of her corset gown. A thick lock of hair was cascading down from one side of her face.
Fans have been waiting to see the actress back in Mumbai and Priyanka didn’t disappoint with her looks. Priyanka Chopra bedazzled everyone at the screening of her Marathi movie ‘Paani’.