Meerut: An 85-year-old man named Kripal Singh was severely injured when a stray bull attacked him in Meerut’s Ganga Nagar police station area on Thursday. The shocking incident was captured on CCTV footage. Kripal Singh was on his way to his son’s electronics store in Rajendra Puram when the bull, eating fodder from a drum, suddenly charged at him.
The bull lifted Singh 3 feet into the air, throwing him down and piercing his chest and abdomen with its horns. Singh’s intestines spilled out and he lost consciousness. Residents rushed Singh to the hospital, where his condition remains critical. A team of doctors is working to save his life.
Attack near minister’s residence
The attack occurred near State Minister Dinesh Khatik’s residence in the Ganga Nagar police station area. Singh’s son Pramod Avantik expressed concern over the lack of enforcement regarding stray animals. Authorities have not commented on the incident or potential actions to address the stray animal issue. Despite orders from the Yogi government to control the issue the issue of stray cattle and bulls, they continue to pose a threat to the public.
73-year-old killed by stray bull
Earlier this year, a stray bull attacked and killed 73-year-old Prem Singh in Chandpur village, Udham Singh Nagar district. Singh tried to help a pedestrian being attacked when the bull repeatedly lifted and threw him, which caused fatal injuries. Locals chased the bull away and rushed Singh to a nearby hospital, where he was declared dead. The incident sparked outrage among villagers, who demanded action against stray bulls. “The administration must establish shelters for these animals,” said villager Ram Lal.