Dehradun: Uttarakhand’s chief secretary Radha Raturi has directed the officials to adopt a sustainable and environment-friendly solution style to solve the traffic problem in the hill town of Mussoorie. She also underlined the need for seeking innovative solutions in this regard.
An action plan has been prepared by the Dehradun district administration and the police department to deal with the traffic problem in Mussoorie. The action plan aims to make the travel experience of tourists more pleasant and comfortable.
Shuttle services and golf cart for tourists
Under the action plan, the local people are supposed to be benefitted. efforts will also be made to benefit the local people and communities. Following the completion of the parking arrangement in the city, tourists will be provided facilities like the shuttle service and golf cart from the parking places to their destinations.
Local rickshaw operators will be given training
The administration hopes fast completion of the parking arrangement at Hathipaon, and its initial route will be from Kincraig to Picture Palace and Gandhi Chowk. As per the plan, this shuttle service will be operated specially during the peak season. Local rickshaw operators will be given proper training and it may lead to further strengthen the local economy. Kincraig and satellite parking have been identified near the Hathipaon Band.
Coordination with local taxi operators
Police booths, shuttle booths, parking, lighting, security, and public facilities will be developed here. The administration will coordinate with local taxi service operators to generate new employment opportunities, besides improving the services.
Shuttle services will be regularly monitored
Chief secretary has directed the officials concerned to attract tourists by promoting shuttle services through publicity campaign. Shuttle services will be regularly monitored for the convenience and satisfaction of the tourists. Besides assessment of the traffic flow, feedbacks will be collected from the tourists for the success of the shuttle services. Chief secretary Raturi has also directed the Municipal Commissioner, Dehradun, to arrange cattle catchers to free Dehradun and Mussoorie from the problems of stray animals.
Administration identified 28 satellite parking places
To deal with the traffic problem in Mussoorie, the district administration has identified 28 satellite parking places on the outskirts of the city. At these designated places, tourists will park their vehicles and use shuttle services for their further travel to Mussoorie.