New Delhi: Inspector Sunil Kumar, who led Meerut unit of UP Special Task Force (STF) in Shamli encounter, passed away during treatment on Wednesday. He was in a critical state after sustaining three bullet injuries during the gunfight with the criminals late on Monday night in Uttar Pradesh’s Shamli.
Kumar was being treated for his wounds at Medanta Hospital in Gurugram. It is to be noted that four criminals were killed in the encounter while Kumar was fatally injured.
While he was admitted in Medanta, an operation was conducted to remove the bullets from Inspector Sunil Kumar’s stomach. During this, the gall bladder had to be removed. A part of the large intestine had to be cut out and removed. Inspector Sunil Kumar was not out of danger for the last 24 hours. After the operation, he was admitted to ICCU (Intensive Critical Care Unit). A bullet had passed through the liver and got stuck in the back.
Encounter occurred in Jhinjhana area
The UP STF had shot dead four members of the Saharanpur-based Mustafa Kagga gang in the encounter that broke out in the late hours of Monday in the Jhinjhana area of Shamli. The criminals were riding a car, when they were intercepted. They started firing. The police identified the deceased as Arshad, the current leader of the gang, who had a reward of Rs 1 lakh on his head, along with his three associates, including Manjeet Dahiya, a resident of Sonipat, Satish, and an unidentified member.
The encounter occurred between 11 pm and 11:30 pm. It was during the gunfight that Inspector Sunil Kumar was hit by three bullets. He was admitted to a hospital in Karnal, Haryana. Later, he was shifted to Medanta in Gurugram.
The police said the gang had been involved in robberies, dacoities, and murders across Western UP. The police had been keeping tabs on the movement of the gang for the past two to three months. The STF said several cases of robbery and other cases were registered against Arshad in Behat of Saharanpur. They also stated that they have recovered pistols, carbines, cartridges, and a vehicle from the encounter site, all belonging to the criminals who were killed.