New Delhi: After the emergence of online streaming platforms, the world of television changed. There was a time when films on the big screen had massive budgets and television shows had smaller budgets but now, even TV series come with a high budget to give a better cinematic experience to their audiences. One such show is the world’s most expensive series made on a budget of a whopping Rs 8300 crore.
This particular show is even more expensive than big-budget films such as Pathaan, Baahubali, and even Priyanka Chopra’s show Citadel which was reportedly made on a budget of Rs 2400 crore. Now, let’s explore which is the world’s most expensive show ever made in the history of cinema.
Which is the world’s most expensive show?
Amazon Prime Video’s The Lord of the Things: The Rings of Power is the most expensive TV show ever made. According to Deadline, Amazon Studios’ show was made on a staggering budget of Rs 8300 crore, including the cost of the purchase of the rights and the promotions of season one.
As per Collider’s report, the production cost of the web series alone is around Rs 3800 crore and each episode costs Rs 480 crore. The show has eight episodes.
Which is the most expensive film ever made?
The most costliest film ever made is Star Wars: The Force Awakens. It had a budget of $447 million, which is still less than the web series, Rings of Power. The original Lord of the Rings movies had a production cost of $260 million for three films.
Most expensive Indian film
Though Indian films lag way behind the budgets of Hollywood films and shows. The most expensive Indian film is Prabhas and Deepika Padukone’s Kalki 2898 AD, which was made on a budget of Rs 600 crore.