New Delhi: The registration of Dr Sandip Ghosh, the former principal of RG Kar Medical College and Hospital, was cancelled on Thursday by the West Bengal Medical Council (WBMC). His registration was cancelled after Ghosh was arrested by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) in connection with the rape-murder of a 31-year-old junior doctor and allegations of financial irregularities.
Ghosh, who is in CBI custody, has been struck off from the list of Registered Medical Practitioners maintained by the WBMC, an official was quoted as saying by news agency PTI. Sandip Ghosh’s licence was cancelled under various provisions of the Bengal Medical Act, 1914, the official added.
Earlier, the Indian Medical Association (IMA) Bengal chapter had requested the WBMC to cancel Ghosh’s medical registration. On September 7, the WBMC issued a show-cause notice to Ghosh asking him why his registration should not be cancelled. The council had given Ghosh three days to present his explanation. Ghosh reportedly did not reply to the WBMC notice.
‘Keep aside personal relationship”
It was on September 2 that Ghosh and former SHO of Tala police station Abhijit Mondal were arrested for allegedly tampering with evidence in the rape-murder of the doctor at RG Kar Medical College on August 9. According to the CBI’s remand note Ghosh and Mondal helped to carry out the cremation of the doctor’s body hurriedly, even though the family demanded for a second autopsy.
In a letter to WBMC president and TMC MLA Sudipto Roy, the IMA asked why Ghosh’s medical registration was not cancelled. The IMA had asked Roy to keep his “personal relationship” with Ghosh aside and act swiftly.
The CBI has alleged that Ghosh and Mondal delayed the filing of the FIR. The CBI submitted to the court on Wednesday that Ghosh remained “willfully absent” from the scene of crime on the day the doctor’s body was discovered in the seminar hall.