New Delhi: In a shocking incident, a 36-year-old man from Nepal was arrested two days back for allegedly stabbing his wife’s ‘lover’ in outer Delhi’s Bhalswa Dairy area. He had executed the attack in November. The man was caught in Delhi when he came back to check whether the man had died of the stab injuries he had inflicted on him.
How did it all start
It all started when the accused, who used to work in Kuwait, got a request for divorce from his wife. After learning of her alleged relationship with a factory colleague, he started a surveillance operation that stretched from Nepal to Mumbai and Delhi, a Times of India report said. The accused showed an alarming pattern of stalking, meticulously tracking his target across multiple cities, a senior police officer from Outer North Delhi district said.
How the attack was executed
For almost three months, he undertook several trips between Nepal and Delhi, while staying near his wife’s rented house in the city to keep a tab on their movements. He closely tracked their daily routines and travel patterns, according to police sources.
On November 23, things took a violent turn when the man came face to face with the wife’s 32-year-old suspected lover. He stabbed him multiple times near his Mukundpur residence. After carrying out the attack, the accused escaped to the Nepal border, and kept changing his phone numbers so that he could dodge the police. He even had plans to take on a new identity. The police officer said that police teams carried out a 30-day combing operation along the Nepal border. The cops even spoke to the authorities concerned in Nepal, tapped their informants and used technical monitoring system to track his movements.
Two days back, intelligence sources sounded an alert the police that the accused had returned to Delhi. The accused came back to check if the victim died during treatment, the cop said, adding the man might have been planning another attack. The victim, who was in critical condition, has now made significant recovery but remains under observation.
During thorough questioning, the accused spilled the beans and told the police how he left his job in Kuwait to seek revenge. A case under Section 109 (attempt to murder) of BNS has been registered by the police at the Bhalswa Dairy police station.