Jaipur: A 10-year-old boy who was undergoing treatment for blood cancer at the State Cancer Institute in Jaipur died on Friday morning. Ansh, who had been admitted to the pediatric ward on December 11 after visiting the oncology department, was reportedly in distress on Wednesday night. The child had been admitted in a critical state, with ulcers covering his body
Dr Sandeep Jasuja, the institute’s superintendent, said that despite all efforts, the boy’s condition remained critical and he could not be saved. However, the hospital administration faces scrutiny after a rat was reported to have bitten the child’s leg the day before his death.
Family says rat bite caused bleeding
According to his family, the child suddenly began crying and, upon removing his blanket, they found a rat had bitten his toe, causing it to bleed. They immediately complained to the hospital staff, but were told that only a bandage would be applied to the wound.
Hospital’s unhygienic conditions
The family criticised the hospital for its unhygienic conditions, They highlighted the fear caused by the presence of rats. After the administration failed to act, they took matters into their own hands, sealing holes and taping parts of the ceiling to prevent further rodent access. Speaking to NDTV, the father of another patient echoed similar complaints, saying that when he raised concerns about the rats, the hospital promised to address the issue but took no immediate action.