New Delhi: After explosions at singer Badshah’s bar in Chandigarh, a low-intensity blast occurred outside two nightclubs in Sector 29 in Gurugram on Tuesday morning causing panic in the area. It has come to the fore that Lawrence Bishnoi and Goldy Brar’s gang was involved in both the explosions. Syndicates of the same gang carried out the blasts at both the places, sources said.
Randeep Malik, the mastermind of both the Gurugram and Chandigarh attacks, is currently in the US and works for Lawrence Bishnoi and Goldy Brar. Malik, originally from Haryana’s Jind, is a transporter in the US. He has two truck-trolleys, one of which is driven by him. He also helped in providing weapons to the shooters in Baba Siddique and Nadir Shah murder cases. It is believed that Malik came in contact with the Bishnoi gang after he went to the US.
Operating from foreign soil, the gang has found a new way to spread panic among businessmen. It uses country- made bombs instead of firing. Like Chandigarh, extortion worth crores was being demanded from the owner of Human Pub of Gurugram. The bar owner had complained about extortion demands to the police long ago.
One accused arrested on the spot
The Gurugram police had deployed security outside the bar. It was one of the security personnel who apprehended Sachin Taliyan, one of the accused in the bomb-hurling incident, on the spot. Meanwhile, one accused riding a bike and another are on the run. Two country-made bombs, one pistol, and five cartridges were recovered from the arrested accused Sachin. Sachin revealed that he works for Goldy Brar. He was reportedly given the contract by the gang to carry out the explosion. A Gurugram police source said the accused was being interrogated by the Crime Branch and STF team.
The explosion at Human Pub and Toy Box Club occurred around 5:15 am. One bomb detonated, while the other struck the pub’s signboard and fell outside. The bomb disposal team defused the two crude bombs recovered from the accused.