New Delhi: Throwing caution to the wind, a 27-year-old man drove with his 5-year-old son perched on the car bonnet. The Jhalawar police have arrested him, after the video of the incident went viral on social media platforms. The incident took place on December 26. Jhalawar city police have filed charges against the man under the Bharatiya Nyay Sanhita (BNS) Act for endangering human life.
Circle inspector Chandrajyoti of Jhalawar city police station said that a 38-second video clip surfaced on social media platforms on Thursday morning. The footage showed a man driving a vehicle on National Highway 52 with his young son sitting on the bonnet.
रील का नशा,पिता ने मासूम को बोनट पर बैठाकर दौड़ाई कार,वीडियो वायरल हुआ तो एक्टिव हुई पुलिस,पिता को गिरफ्तार कर माफ़ी मंगवाई
— DHWAJ ARYA @TV9 भारतवर्ष (@AryaDhwaj) December 27, 2024
The police traced the man through the vehicle’s registration number which was visible in the video. The accused was arrested within an hour. He has been identified as Suresh Kumar Valmiki, 27, a resident of Jhalawar city.
Police officials arrested the accused, seized his vehicle, and filed charges against him under various sections of the BNS Act for endangering human life. The footage, which surfaced on social media on Thursday, was allegedly recorded by a passerby approximately four days before being shared online. It shows a moving vehicle with a child sitting on its bonnet.