New Delhi: A Hyderabad court on Monday reserved its decision on the bail petition of Pushpa 2 actor Allu Arjun in connection with the Sandhya theatre stampede case. The incident resulted in the death of a woman and left a child in critical condition.
As per a PTI report, the II Additional Metropolitan Sessions Judge, after hearing arguments from both the police, which registered a counter-petition and the actor’s defence counsel, postponed the order to January 3, 2025.
The defence counsel of actor Allu Arjun filed a regular bail plea. The actor has been named as accused Number 11 in the stampede case. On December 27, Arjun appeared virtually before the court. The actor’s legal team presented their arguments in court, while the police submitted a counter-petition objecting to the bail application.
What’s the stampede case
On December 4, a stampede occurred at Sandhya Theatre in Hyderabad. A 35-year-old woman was killed in the incident, while her 8-year-old son was critically injured. The stampede happened because the fans crowded to catch a glimpse of the actor at the Pushpa-2 premiere.
Bhaskar, the father of the injured child, told reporters, “The child responded after 20 days. He is responding today. Allu Arjun and the Telangana government are backing us.”
The incident has triggered widespread public outcry, forcing the deceased woman’s family to file a complaint with the police. After the incident, based on the victim’s family’s complaint, the city police filed a case against Allu Arjun, his security team, and the theatre management under different sections of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) at the Chikkadpally police station. On December 13, Allu Arjun was arrested and given interim bail by the Telangana High Court the next day for four weeks, pending the bail hearing’s outcome.