New Delhi: The Punjab cabinet is expected to undergo a reshuffle on Monday, with reports indicating that four ministers have resigned and five new ones are set to be sworn in. According to reports, ministers Balkaur Singh, Chetan Singh Jouramajra, Brahm Shankar Jimpa, and Anmol Gagan Maan have stepped down, while Hardeep Singh Mundian, Tarunpreet S Sondh, Barinder Goyal, and Mohinder Bhagat are among those likely to be inducted. The swearing-in ceremony is scheduled for around 5pm at Raj Bhavan.
In the 2022 Punjab assembly elections, the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) secured a massive victory, winning 92 out of 117 seats. Earlier, on September 12, the Punjab government implemented administrative reshuffle, transferring 38 Indian Administrative Service (IAS) officers and one Punjab Civil Services (PCS) officer.
This anticipated cabinet reshuffle under chief minister Bhagwant Mann came just days after AAP national convener Arvind Kejriwal was granted bail by the Supreme Court in connection with the now scrapped Delhi-excise policy case. He was released from the Tihar Jail earlier this week.
Currently, the Mann-led cabinet has 15 members, including the chief minister, with a maximum limit of 18 ministers. If the reshuffle proceeds, it will mark the fourth such change within the 30-month tenure of the AAP government in the state.
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