New Delhi: President Droupadi Murmu has turned down a request for a meeting from the Samyukt Kisan Morcha (SKM), citing a lack of time. The SKM had approached her seeking intervention on several pressing issues facing farmers, such as low crop prices, rising production costs and escalating debt levels.
The Samyukt Kisan Morcha (SKM) expressed appreciation for the president considering its request for an appointment and providing a written response. However, the Morcha conveyed its disappointment that the President was unable to meet with the farmers’ delegation due to a lack of time.
‘Regret president’s decision’
“SKM appreciates the President for considering its request for an appointment and giving a written response. However, SKM expresses its deep regret that the President could not accede to meet the farmers’ delegation due to paucity of time,” said a statement issued by Morcha, while expressing hope that the Rashtrapati Bhavan would review its decision on “this crucial request for her intervention, since Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the Supreme Court have so far been unable to resolve the impasse and take constructive steps to save the life of farmer leader Jagjit Singh Dallewal, fasting for the last 41 days.”
The statement further said that, as the head of state, the president has a duty to support India’s constitutional institutions, including the Executive and Judiciary, in maintaining democratic governance. It called for her to engage in dialogue with farmers and work towards a peaceful resolution of their struggles, including farmer suicides, severe unemployment, and distress migration, which have emerged from the neoliberal policies of successive Union Governments and contributed to the ongoing agrarian crisis.
Farmers slam draft policy as ‘more dangerous’
Referring to Draft National Policy Framework on Agriculture Marketing, the statement said, ” Instead of discussions to resolve their distress, the NDA3 Government has been facilitating fresh onslaught by the Agribusiness Corporations on agriculture and livelihood of the farmers, agricultural workers, small traders and petty producers and on the federal rights of the State Governments through the introduction of the new National Policy Framework on Agricultural Marketing –NPFAM that is dangerous than the repealed 3 Farm Acts.