New Delhi: Chaos erupted on Saturday at Shambhu border between Punjab and Haryana as farmers attempted to march towards Delhi to press for their demands. The march faced resistance from the police, who fired tear gas shells to disperse the crowd. Following the clashes, farmer leaders decided to postpone the march.
Senior farmer leader Sarwan Singh Pandher said that both forums leading the protest had decided to recall their groups. He said, “Around 17-18 farmers were injured due to the action by Haryana security personnel.”
Rail Roko Abhiyan on December 18
The farmer leader criticized the use of force and announced a series of future protests, including nationwide tractor marches on December 16, excluding Punjab, and a “Rail Roko Abhiyan” in Punjab on December 18 from 12 noon to 3 pm. He clarified that no group would march to Delhi until December 18.
Pandher condemned the government’s actions, saying, “Today, India is the fifth superpower in the world, yet force is being used against a group of 101 farmers. Chemicals from the Ghaggar River were used while talks were ongoing between farmer leaders and Ambala’s DC and SP. The world has witnessed this.”
He questioned the government’s intentions, saying, “Tear gas shells were fired on our stage and fields. What was the government’s purpose behind this? Is a group of 100 people a threat to the peace of the country? Highways are closed for 10 months, forts are being built—what Constitution is at play here?”
Farmer leader accuses BJP, opposition
The farmer leader accused both the ruling party and the opposition of neglecting the farmers’ issues. “They are not raising our voice,” he alleged.
Pandher also criticized the use of expired tear gas shells during the protest, claiming that such actions were taken to avoid accountability. He said, “Rubber bullets were fired today, and whenever the forums decide, the next group will be sent forward, including farmers and women from Haryana.”
Despite the setbacks, Pandher reaffirmed the farmers’ commitment to their cause. A press conference will be held at 11 am on Sunday to update the public about the condition of the injured farmers and the future course of action.
The farmers had earlier attempted to march to Delhi on December 14, but their efforts were thwarted by police action.