Hyderabad: A letter has emerged which revealed that the police already knew that the star cast of ‘Pushpa 2’ was invited to the Sandhya 70 MM theatre for the screening of the movie. However, even then, chaos took place during the event, leading to the death of a woman.
“We request you to arrange to provide Police Bandobust at SANDHYA 70 MM RTC ‘X’ Roads, Hyderabad in connection with the release of PUSHPA – 2 on 04-12-2024 because there will be a heavy fans crowd. The Hero, Heroine, and VIPs and Production unit of the film are coming to see the movie,” the letter dated December 2, 2024, which was sent by the theatre to the police read.
It added, “We are screening picture of Mythri Movies PUSHPA – 2, Star caste: Allu Arjun, Rashmika Mandana and other stars on 04-12-2024 at 9.30 PM and on 05-12-2024 at 01.50 AM, 05.50 AM, 09.50 AM and 01.50 PM (i.e., One show on 04-12-2024 and on 05-12-2024 – Four shows) and continues the movie regularly.”
The deceased woman’s husband filed an FIR
After the death of the woman, her husband filed an FIR with the police, which led to the arrest of actor Allu Arjun on Friday morning. He was subsequently released on interim bail in the evening by the Hyderabad High Court for four weeks.
HC grants bail to Allu Arjun
The high court’s order had come shortly after the actor was sent to 14-day judicial custody by a local court. The actor was sent to the jail at Chanchalguda here after the remand, amid tight security arrangements. Earlier in the day, the High Court delivered the order granting bail to Allu Arjun when he was taken to jail. The court had also asked the actor to cooperate with the authorities in the probe while granting interim bail to him.