New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi is all set to launch ‘Mission Mausam’ in the national capital on Tuesday. The programme aims to make the country a “weather-ready” and “climate-smart” nation. The event is being organised to celebrate India Meteorological Department (IMD)’s 150th foundation day.
As per the statement issued by the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO), the PM will also address the gathering on the occasion. During the event, the Prime Minister will release the IMD Vision-2047 document for weather resilience as well as for climate change adaptation. The vision document includes plans for weather forecast, weather management, and climate change mitigation, the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) said.
IMD aims to develop various systems
Apart from these, the programmes aim to develop cutting-edge weather surveillance technologies and systems. The same would help in implementing high-resolution atmospheric observations, next-generation radars and satellites, and high-performance computers.
The programme will also help to focus on the improvement of the weather and climate processes understanding, and also help in sharing the data related to the air quality, which will help in making strategies for weather management and intervention in time to come.
Several events, activities, and workshops have been planned to celebrate the occasion on Tuesday. Workshops have also been organised to explain the achievements of the IMD, the steps taken by it to make India a climate-resilient country, and also demonstrate the steps taken by the Centre to provide services weather and climate across the country.
Scientists invited from various countries
Notably, the IMD has also invited meteorologists and climate scientists from various parts of the world. Those invited will come from countries like Maldives, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bhutan, Sri Lanka and Nepal. Even though Bangladesh weather scientists were also invited to the occasion, the country decided not to take part in the event. Bangladesh cited its restrictions on non-essential foreign travel on the government’s expenditure as an explanation.