New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi is set to inaugurate and lay the foundation stone for a series of major development projects worth more than Rs 12,200 crore in Delhi on 5 January. The prime minister will begin the day with a ride in the Namo Bharat Train. It will depart from Sahibabad RRTS Station at 11 am and travel to New Ashok Nagar RRTS Station.
An important highlight of the event will be the inauguration of the 13 km stretch of the Delhi-Ghaziabad-Meerut Namo Bharat corridor between Sahibabad and New Ashok Nagar. It is valued at around Rs 4,600 crore. The new connectivity will provide Delhi with its first Namo Bharat link. It will improve travel between Delhi and Meerut greatly. It will benefi millions by offering faster, safer and more reliable transportation.
Inauguration of Delhi Metro Phase-IV
That apart,the prime minister will inaugurate the 2.8 km section of Delhi Metro Phase-IV between Janakpuri and Krishna Park, valued at around Rs 1,200 crore. This will mark the first operational stretch of the Phase-IV project. It will benefit areas of West Delhi such as Krishna Park, parts of Vikaspuri and Janakpuri.
The foundation stone will also be laid for the 26.5 km Rithala-Kundli stretch of Delhi Metro Phase-IV, with an estimated cost of Rs 6,230 crore. The new corridor will link Rithala in Delhi to Nathupur (Kundli) in Haryana and improve access in the North-Western regions of Delhi and Haryana, including areas like Rohini, Bawana, Narela and Kundli. Once the project is completed, it will enhance cross-border travel between Delhi, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh via the extended Red Line.
Foundation stone for CARI building
In addition, the prime minister will lay the foundation stone for a state-of-the-art building for the Central Ayurveda Research Institute (CARI) in Rohini, New Delhi, at a cost of around Rs 185 crore. The new campus will offer advanced healthcare and research facilities, including an Administrative Block, OPD Block, IPD Block and a dedicated Treatment Block, ensuring a comprehensive healthcare experience for both patients and researchers.