New Delhi: A Hindu family from Pakistan has arrived in Jodhpur to marry off their daughter, and preparations for the wedding are afoot. Tuesday is the night of the ‘Bandoli’, and on Wednesday, the groom’s procession will arrive from Jaisalmer for the bride, Meena Sodha. Meena’s father is Ganpat Singh Sodha and her mother Dimple Bhati.
Ganpat Singh Sodha said, “We have to arrange weddings of our families in India because people in Pakistan belong to their gotra (clan), and we cannot marry or give their daughters to anyone from the same gotra. This is why we need to come to India on a visa to get our children married here.”
He further mentioned that his elder brother, Lalsingh Sodha, is a businessman who came to India in 2013, and Meena stayed with him here. Now, Ganpat has come to Jodhpur from Pakistan to arrange his daughter’s wedding. He said the groom is a teacher and the his procession will come from Jaisalmer. The family is overjoyed that their daughter is getting married in India, where she will be safe and secure, the father added.
‘Travelling from Pakistan to India is the most challenging part’
Ganpat pointed out that travelling from Pakistan to India is the most challenging part, as there is no direct train or flight. The train that used to run via Munabao is also currently suspended, which causes difficulties. He also faces issues with obtaining a visa and getting extensions for it, Ganpat said.
Meena Sodha said that she came back from Pakistan in 2013 and completed her BA from Kamla Nehru Women’s College in Jodhpur. She said that she does not find much difference in the culture between India and Pakistan. Meena’s mother Dimple Bhati said that the atmosphere in India is pleasant, and the people are very kind. She also said that their family has been travelling back and forth between India and Pakistan for the past 10 years.