New Delhi: Singer and actor Diljit Dosanjh has been served a notice not to invoke liquor songs like ‘Patiala Pegg’ during his concerts in Chandigarh. The notice was served by Deputy Director of the Women and Child Department, Government of Punjab following a complaint by one Panditrao Dharenavar, an assistant professor from Chandigarh.
In the notice, the singer and actor has been asked to refrain from singing songs like Patiala Peg, 5 Taara Theeke, and Case (Jeeb vicho Feem labbiya) in Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana on New Year’s eve.
Complaint by Chandigarh professor
In his complaint, Panditrao had said that he will approach Panjab and Haryana High Court if Diljit Dosanjh sings these songs even with twisted words in Ludhiana.
The complainant also claimed that singing alcohol-promoting songs wearing Pagadi is biggest insult to Pagadi. Diljit Dosanjh should not sing bad songs wearing Pagadi, said Panditrao. The professor said he is fighting for the dignity of Pagadi.
In the past too, the singer had been warned by different commissions not to sing Patiala Peg, 5 Taara Thike and songs even with distorted words, but Diljit Dosanjh did not heed the warning.
Dil-Luminati hits controversies
The singer Diljit Dosanjh has been on India tour with Dil-Luminati singing concerts. Dil-Luminati has faced with controversies as because of Diljit’s own songs. In a concert held last week in Chandigarh, Diljit Dosanjh once again sang his controversial songs, but made a twist to the song and replaced the word ‘alcohol’ with ‘coke’.