Prayagraj: The chief of the Akhil Bhartiya Akhada Parishad named Mahant Ravindra Puri has sparked controversy with a statement about the upcoming Mahakumbh in Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh. On Wednesday, Puri said that non-Hindus should be banned from setting up shops at the 2025 Mahakumbh, including tea, juice, and flower stalls.
He said he was concerned that such vendors might cause disturbances by engaging in spitting and urinating, which could lead to conflicts, particularly with the Naga saints. Puri said the need to uphold the sanctity of the event. He said that the Kumbh Mela is a divine and peaceful gathering that should be kept clean and orderly.
“We have said that tea shops, juice stalls, and flower shops should not be allowed for them. If they are given these shops, they will spit and urinate, and our Naga saints will be forced to take action,” Puri told news agency IANS.
The statement came shortly after Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s call for national unity and harmony in his final “Mann Ki Baat” of the year, where he urged the country to eliminate feelings of division and hatred. The prime minister also highlighted the Kumbh Mela as a remarkable example of India’s unity in diversity, saying that the event is a grand celebration of India’s pluralistic traditions, where people from various walks of life come together without discrimination.
Muslim body opposes move
In response to Puri’s comments, the All India Muslim Jamaat voiced their opposition, saying that such a policy could foster division and disrupt societal harmony. The group criticised the exclusion of non-Hindus as discriminatory and counterproductive to the spirit of inclusivity.
Maha Kumbh Mela 2025
As the Mahakumbh approaches, set to begin on January 13, 2025, efforts are underway to ensure a safe, sustainable, and visually attractive environment for attendees. The infrastructure of Prayagraj is being enhanced to meet global urban standards, and the authorities are focused on maintaining cleanliness throughout the event.