New Delhi: In a shocking incident that has come to light from Noida, two youngsters were found dead in their rented accommodation. The two men in their 20s had left a pot of chhole (chickpeas) on a burning stove to cook overnight, for their ‘chhole bhature’ stall the next morning. The room was filled with smoke and the two were found dead by the neighbourers. The incident occurred in Noida’s Sector 70 early Saturday morning, according to reports.
They were food cart vendors
The deceased youths have been identified as Upendra (22) and Shivam (23). They operated a food cart selling chhole kulche and bhatura in the area. The two lived in a small, poorly ventilated room in Basai village.
When smoke started emanating from their room, it rang an alarm among the neighbour. They broke down the door, and discovered the two men lying unconscious. The duo was rushed to the district hospital in Sector 39. However, doctors declared them dead on arrival.
What initial investigation said
According to initial investigation, after putting the pot on the stove on Friday night, they dozed off, leaving the gas on. Left unattended, the stove burned throughout the night, causing the food to char and filling the room with thick smoke. “Initial investigation suggests that suffocation caused by the accumulation of smoke and carbon monoxide in the unventilated room led to their deaths,” a Noida Police official said. The improper ventilation and closed door reportedly led to a shortage of oxygen in the room.
No injury marks were found on their bodies. Police have sent their bodies for post-mortem examination. “The post-mortem examination will provide more clarity, but our initial findings indicate suffocation as the likely cause,” an official pointed out.