New Delhi: Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar on Friday said that Lakshdeep is no longer India’s hidden paradise but is on the global tourism map after the visit of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. He added that his visit to the island was no less ‘than a journey for discovery and personal growth.’
Speaking at a Public Function at the Panchayat Stage at Agatti Island in Lakshadweep today, the Vice President further noted that while the island is more than a group of islands, it also defines India’s culture and unity in diversity.“Lakshadweep is no longer India’s hidden paradise. The visit of the honorable Prime Minister has put it on the global tourist map. My visit is no less than a journey for discovery and personal growth.”
Hon’ble Vice-President, Shri Jagdeep Dhankhar and Dr. Sudesh Dhankhar were welcomed by Shri Praful Patel Ji, Hon’ble Administrator of Lakshadweep and other dignitaries on their arrival in Agatti, Lakshadweep today. @prafulkpatel
— Vice-President of India (@VPIndia) January 17, 2025
Lakshdeep’s heart is very, very large: V-P Jagdeep Dhankhar
He added, “The size of Lakshadeep may be small, but the heart is very, very large. The Bangaram Island Tent City Resort is a tourist revolution. 17,500 square metres of world-class hospitality. It is heaven for tourists….Lakshadweep is more than a group of islands. It defines our culture, unity in diversity, and what we mean by a good environment”. During his visit, the Vice President also inaugurated the Low-Temperature Thermal Desalination Plant On Chetlat Island and Nandhar Anganwadi on Kalpeni Island.
Earlier in the day, the Vice President was received at the airport by Lakshadweep Administrator Praful Patel and other senior officials He was also welcomed by the Girl student band at the Agatti airport, upon arrival.