New Delhi: The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) has taken suo motu cognisance of a video shared on social media platform X by AAP supremo Arvind Kejriwal and Delhi chief minister Atishi. The video shows children chanting slogans such as “Abki baar, Kejriwal”, as part of the AAP’s political campaign. The NHRC, in a letter to the Chief Election Commissioner (CEC) Rajiv Kumar, has directed the removal of the post and called for urgent measures to prevent the involvement of children in political campaigning.
In its letter dated December 30, 2024, the NHRC expressed deep concerns over the use of children in political activities, saying that it contravenes the guidelines issued by the Election Commission of India (ECI). It also highlighted that such actions violate the Protection of Human Rights Act, 1993, and the Juvenile Justice Act, 2015.
NHRC’s letter to Delhi CEC
Letter urges CEC to take corrective measures
“The Commission has taken suo motu cognisance of the matter under Section 12(a) of the Protection of Human Rights Act, 1993. The participation of children in political campaign activities raises serious concerns, as it violates the guidelines issued by the Election Commission of India,” NHRC member Priyank Kanoongo noted.
The letter further urged the CEC to take corrective measures and issue firm instructions to all political parties to refrain from using children in any political activities. “The Commission requests your good office to kindly take urgent corrective measures to address the instant issue and at the same time requests to kindly consider issuance of firm guidelines to all the Political Parties to refrain from using children in any political activities,” Kanoongo added.
Politics over voter list ahead of polls
Meanwhile, Delhi’s CEO on Monday announced that they received over 4.8 lakh applications for new voter registrations and 82,450 for deletions since November 29. The final electoral roll is expected to be published on January 6, 2025. This came amid heated debate between AAP and BJP over the alleged manipulation of voters list in Delhi.
The AAP leaders including Kejriwal and Sanjay Singh have accused BJP of orchestrating bulk voter deletions in many constituencies, including New Delhi assembly constituency from where Kejriwal is AAP candidate. The BJP leaders responded this by accusing AAP and its MLAs of facilitating illegal voter registrations.
The assembly elections in Delhi would most likely take place in February 2025.