Dehradun: The Uttarakhand police have started its preparations to ensure proper security during the 38th National Games-2025, beginning from January 28 in Uttarakhand. The police will keep a close eye on every activity in six sports stadiums with the help of control rooms set by it. Venue officers will also be deployed in every stadium, besides the sports ground.
Meanwhile, Uttarakhand police have demanded 10 companies of Central Para Military Force (CPMF) from the centre. The CPMF will be helpful for proper security of the players as well as important people during the National Games. The National Games 2025 will be concluded on February 14.
Sports competitions to be held in different cities
Important sports competitions will be held in the state’s different cities, including Dehradun, Heridwar, Haldwani, Rudrapur, Pithoragarh, and Tehri. IG (Law and Order) Nilesh Anand Bharne has been appointed as nodal officer for the National Games 2025.
Control room to be set up near the venues of sports competitions
Keeping in mind the requirement of proper security arrangement during the National Games 2025, control rooms are being set up in all the districts. These control rooms will be set up in all such stadiums and on the grounds selected for holding the sport events across the state. For example, several sport competitions will be held in Tehri lake and thus, a control room will be set up near the lake.
Deployment of Venue officers
Uttarakhand police have planned to select an officer of above the deputy-SP rank officer for his or her deployment as venue officer at the stadiums and one the grounds. The Venue officers will be available 24X7. They will also monitor every sport event.
Demand from the centre for 10 companies of CPMF
The state government has demanded 10 companies of CPMF. Uttarakhand police hope that the 10 companies of CPMF will be available in the state soon. The police have started working out on a plan for the deployment of CPMF at important locations. Besides, Drone teams are also likely to become part of the security arrangement.