Panaji: More than 1.04 crore people visited Goa in 2024, as compared to a year back when 86.28 lakh tourists visited state, state tourism department has said. It added that nearly 99.41 lakh domestic tourists visited Goa last year as against 81.75 lakh tourists in 2023. The number of foreign tourists dipped to 4.67 lakh in 2024 as against 4.52 lakh in 2023.
Addressing the press conference, tourism director Suneel Anchipak said that some influencers shared wrong informations of social media platforms to malign the state. Adding that the department wanted to share the correct picture, he further said the the number of tourists visiting the state surged to 22 percent last year in terms of percentage, while number of tourists from abroad increased by 3 per cent in 2024.
(This is a developing story)