New Delhi: Ten days after a three-year-old child fell into a borewell in Rajasthan’s Kotputli, the girl has been rescued in a marathon operation. After she was pulled out, the girl Chetna was immediately transferred to a nearby hospital for medical attention. Hospital authorities stated that while she is currently stable, her condition will remain under constant observation.
Chetna got trapped in a 700-foot borewell in Badiyali ki Dhani of Kiratpura village of Kotputli for the last 10 days. She had accidentally fallen into the borewell on December 23 afternoon, while she was playing. Around 10 minutes after she got stuck, the family members heard the girl crying and found her trapped in the borewell.
VIDEO | Three-year-old girl, who fell in a borewell in Rajasthan’s Kotputli on December 23 last year, rescued by officials.
(Full video available on PTI Videos –
— Press Trust of India (@PTI_News) January 1, 2025
The national and state Disaster Relief Forces swung into action and with a medical team, they made efforts to rescue her. Since then, they have been trying various ways to pull her out.
The little girl was supplied oxygen via a pipe and after efforts to pull her out went in vain, those carrying out the rescue operation started digging. However, the tunnel they dug ended up being in the wrong direction.
In the last few hours before she was pulled up, neither food nor oxygen could be provided to her and her condition turned critical. The rescue happened just in time.