Shimla: A businessman in Himachal Pradesh’s Hamirpur district was left with a shock of lifetime after he received an electricity bill of Rs 2,10,42,08,405. Last month he had received a bill of Rs 2,500.
After receiving the bill, the businessman identified as Lalit Dhiman of Beherwin Jattan village reached the electricity office with his complaint. After receiving his complaint, the electricity office revised the bill to Rs 4,047. Explaining the reason behind the faulty electricity bill, the electricity office said that it was due to a technical glitch.
Similar incident in Noida last year
Last year, Basant Sharma, a resident of Sector 122 in Noida was also surprised after receiving a bill of Rs 4 crore for three months. While Sharma, a Railway employee, was in Shimla for official training, he received the bill through an SMS notification, the last date of payment of which was July 24.
After receiving the bill, the man contacted the officers of the electricity bill. They claimed that the huge bill was due to an erroneous meter reading. They also assured that the bill discrepancy would be rectified as soon as possible. While, the house was on rent at the time, and the tenant, who used to work from home, was the only occupant of the rented accommodation during the billing cycle, Sharma added. He said that the consumption mainly involved basic electrical appliances.
Incident a very rare case: Electricity officials
Accepting the mistake, the officers said that the incident was one of the rarest cases in the area and added that the meter reading was incorrect.