New Delhi: A man has been arrested by the police in Ayodhya for trying to take pictures of the inside premises of the Ram Mandir complex by using a camera fitted in his sunglasses. The accused person has been identified as Jaykumar from Vadodara, Gujarat.
After the policeman on duty noticed his move, the man was arrested immediately for breaching temple security. According to the reports, the man was close to clicking the pictures of the photography-restricted area with his concealed camera. The reason behind his motivation to click the pictures of the inner sanctum of the temple is unknown.
As the temple authorities have put a complete ban on the usage of mobile phones and cameras inside the temple, this incident has raised questions about the privacy and security of the temple.
Jaikumar had managed to pass through the layered security system of the Ram Janmabhoomi path and reached near the Singhdwar of the temple complex on Monday, officials said. His plan to get the pictures of the restricted zone failed after a cop on duty noticed the camera light.
“The youth was immediately taken into custody after the suspicious device was discovered. The glasses, equipped with cameras on both sides and a button for capturing images, are valued at approximately Rs 50,000,” SP (Security) Balramachari Dubey said.
“The security watcher’s quick action ensured no further security breach occurred,” he added. The detained youth, reportedly a businessman, is being interrogated by the authorities, he said.
राम मंदिर अयोध्या में चश्मे के अंदर फिट कैमरे से अंदर की तस्वीरें लेता युवक पकड़ा !!
ये युवक गुजरात के वडोदरा का जयकुमार है। पुलिस और खुफिया एजेंसियां पूछताछ कर रही हैं।
राम मंदिर परिसर में मोबाइल ले जाना और तस्वीरें खींचना प्रतिबंधित है।
— Sachin Gupta (@SachinGuptaUP) January 7, 2025
An X user (formerly Twitter) Sachin Gupta took the incident on his page, @SachinGuptaUP, with a caption that read: राम मंदिर अयोध्या में चश्मे के अंदर फिट कैमरे से अंदर की तस्वीरें लेता युवक पकड़ा !! ये युवक गुजरात के वडोदरा का जयकुमार है। पुलिस और खुफिया एजेंसियां पूछताछ कर रही हैं। राम मंदिर परिसर में मोबाइल ले जाना और तस्वीरें खींचना प्रतिबंधित है।
After Jaykumar’s arrest, the police department launched an inquiry into the situation to understand his motives and the reason for clicking the pictures inside the restricted zone. This incident has led to demands for enhanced security measures at places of worship, particularly for those of great national significance such as the Ram Mandir in Ayodhya.