New Delhi: Maharashtra minister Uday Samant has raised serious concerns about the upcoming period drama Chhaava, which is based on the life of the Maratha king Chhatrapati Sambhaji Maharaj. The film, starring Vicky Kaushal in the lead role, portrays the life and reign of Sambhaji Maharaj. However, the minister has specifically objected to a scene which shows the historical figure dancing.
While acknowledging the effort to bring Sambhaji Maharaj’s story to the big screen, Samant emphasized the need for historical accuracy and respect for the Maratha king. He called for the film to be shown to historians and scholars before its release.
Movie should be shown to historians and scholars
Samant expressed his concerns, stating, “The movie shows Chhatrapati Sambhaji Maharaj dancing. The director should cut this part. This movie should be shown to historians and scholars. If they raise objections, we will not let it be released,” adding that any offensive content that could harm the honour of Sambhaji Maharaj would not be tolerated.
Earlier taking to X, Samant praised the effort to bring Sambhaji Maharaj’s story to the big screen but stressed the importance of safeguarding the dignity of the Maratha king. He warned the producers and directors of Chhaava that the film’s release could be blocked if any objectionable content remained in the final cut.
Film based on the life of Chhatrapati Sambhaji Maharaj
“It is a matter of joy that a Hindi film based on the life of Chhatrapati Sambhaji Maharaj, the protector of religion and protector of freedom, is being made. Such efforts are necessary to make the world understand the history of Chhatrapati. However, many have expressed their opinions that there are some objectionable scenes in this film. Our position is that this film should not be released without first showing it to experts and knowledgeable people. Anything that will harm the honor of the Maharaj will not be tolerated,” Samant wrote on X.
In his statement, Samant further urged the producers and directors to act responsibly, “A further decision will be taken after watching the film; otherwise, this film will not be allowed to be released.”