Prayagraj: With preparations in full swing for upcoming Maha Kumbh in Uttar Pradesh’s Pryagraj, authorities have deployed a state-of-the-art Multi-Disaster Response Vehicle to enhance safety and disaster readiness during the over 40-day-long event. The Maha Kumbh will begin on January 13 and go on till February 26 next year.
While the vehicle is equipped with the latest technologies, the step has been taken to ensure seamless emergency management during the event. Among other important features, a victim location camera has also been fixed in the vehicle in order to ensure the safety of devotees attending the event. It is also capable of handling situations like natural disasters and road accidents.
Important features of Multi-Disaster Response Vehicle
According to the report published in New Indian Express, the vehicle consists of a bag that can lift 0 to 20 tonnes. It also helps in rescuing those buried under debris. The vehicle is equipped with machines that are capable of lifting and moving heavy objects weighing not more than 1.5 tonnes.
Apart from these, the vehicle is also equipped with tools that help in cutting and spreading through strong debris during emergencies. The victim location camera helps in finding individuals trapped in collapsed buildings.
Underwater drones to be used during Maha Kumbh
On Sunday, the state government said that ‘underwater drones, which are capable of diving up to 100 meters will be deployed during the the event. The step will be taken to provide surveillance at the Sangam area.
Also, as many as 92 roads are been renovated in Prayagraj, while 30 30 pontoon bridges are under construction. Along with these, as many as 800 multilingual signs are also being installed for pilgrims. Close to 40 crore devotees from India and abroad are expected to attend the event.