Prayagraj: With lakhs of pilgrims expected to visit Prayagraj for the holy bath on Mauni Amavasya on Wednesday, the Indian Railways has decided to run 190 special trains, among 360 regular plus trains for the occasion. Prayagraj will have one train available every four minutes. Authorities are expecting over 10 crore people to take holy baths on the day.
According to Satish Kumar, Chairman of, the Railway Board, new platforms, holding areas, among other facilities have been made at the Prayagraj station for pilgrims visiting thMaha Kumbh Mela from across the country and abroad. “A lot of steps have been taken for the smooth travel of pilgrims for Prayagraj during the Maha Kumbh Mela, including for Mauni Amavasya as well,” said Kumar.
‘Special arrangements made for senior citizens’
“On all stairs in the Prayagraj Station, we ensure that passengers go in one direction at a time. We have also taken care of senior citizens visiting Prayagraj for the Maha Kumbh Mela. Special arrangements like chairs and palanquins have also been arranged,” he added.
He added, “Special trains have been arranged from Ayodhya, and holding areas have also been made there. Our team has made the State Government’s holding areas and the Railway’s holding areas so that the best arrangements can be made for the passengers.
Passengers can enter Prayagraj Station from the city side.
Notably, pilgrims will be allowed to enter Prayagraj station from the city side on Wednesday, while exit will be allowed only from the Civil Lines site through Platform Number 6. Also, there will be a separate entry for passengers having pre-booked tickets. On the other hand, unreserved passengers will be able to enter the station through the directions suggested by the authorities.