Chennai: In a significant development, the Madras High Court has intervened in the case of Veerabharathi, a life imprisonment convict seeking early release, and ruled in his favor. The court’s decision has implications for the ongoing conflict between Tamil Nadu’s Governor RN Ravi and the ruling DMK government.
Veerabharathi, who has been serving his sentence in Puzhal Jail for over 20 years, had applied for early release based on good conduct. His application was recommended by the state-level committee and approved by the Cabinet. However, Governor RN Ravi denied his release, prompting Veerabharathi to file a petition in the Madras High Court.
Tamil Nadu Governor’s Decision Overturned: Madras HC Upholds Cabinet’s Authority
A bench consisting of Justices SM Subramaniam and Shivagnanam heard the case and cited the Supreme Court’s judgment in the Perariwalan case. The judges emphasized that the Governor is bound by the decisions of the Cabinet and cannot override them, stating that the Governor has no personal moral rights in the matter.
The court quashed the order denying Veerabharathi’s early release and ordered reconsideration of his plea. Additionally, the court granted Veerabharathi interim bail until the reconsideration process is complete.
This development is the latest in the ongoing conflict between Governor RN Ravi and the DMK government. The DMK has accused the Governor of delaying bills without assent and allegedly preventing the elected government from functioning. The DMK has also questioned the Governor’s legitimacy, as he was not elected by the people.
Cases related to the Governor’s powers are pending in the Supreme Court, and this ruling may have implications for the larger conflict. The DMK government has been consistently critical of the Governor’s actions, alleging that he is overstepping his constitutional authority.
The Madras High Court’s decision is seen as a significant setback for Governor RN Ravi and may pave the way for Veerabharathi’s early release. The case highlights the ongoing tensions between the Governor and the DMK government, with the judiciary playing a crucial role in resolving the conflict.