Bhopal: In a shocking incident reported from Madhya Pradesh, a couple was attacked by a group of miscreants, who gangraped a woman after tying her husband to a tree. The ghastly incident took place in Rewa district on October 21. The accused also recorded the sexual assault on the mobile camera and threatened to release the video clip on internet if the couple approached the police to file a complaint.
A day later a case was filed by police and some suspects were arrested. Similarly, another incident of rape was reported from Indore district of the state.
CCTV comes to fore
In this case, a mentally disturbed woman was raped by a labourer. The incident reportedly took place on Tuesday afternoon when a CCTV video showed a woman wandering in a semi-naked state and bleeding in Sadar Bazar area of Indore.
As police began probe into the case and analysed the CCTV, the cops found out that she was accompanied by a daily wager, who was later identified as Sonu.
Accused confessed to crime: Police
According to the CCTV footage, Sonu is seen taking the woman to a waste disposal facility an hour before the victim was found. Police have claimed that the accused has confessed to committing the crime.
Meanwhile, the political blame game has begun over the rape incidents in the state. MP Congress leader Jitu Patwari has slammed the law and order in the state and attacked BJP.
Congress slams BJP
He posted on X, “The daughter is naked on the road, and the Chief Minister is engrossed in the event. Can’t the Chief Minister, who considers himself God, see the disrobing of Draupadi? I am angry and worried about the plight of our daughters. The crimes against daughters are not stopping and the Chief Minister is sitting with his eyes closed. Chief Minister should say clearly, why should my daughters suffer?”